Private Property Mobile app

Download the
Private Property app

Find property to buy or rent anytime, anywhere with the Private Property App. Introducing SA’s first property feed, the app makes property search simpler, faster and a whole lot smarter.

Real time push notifications

Never miss out on a property

Receive push notifications in real time through our property feed as soon as a new property comes onto the market. Just follow the suburbs that you are interested in and we’ll make sure that you never miss out on a property.

Tailor your search

Ensure you only receive the most relevant properties by customising your feed further using handy filters like price, swimming pool or pet-friendly properties.

View properties like never before

View properties like never before

With comprehensive property descriptions, crystal-clear high-resolution photos and high definition video walkthroughs, you get to see property listings in greater detail than ever before. If you like what you see, you can contact the agent directly through the app.

Save your favourites

When you find a property you love, you can easily share it with family and friends via message, WhatsApp, social media or email.

Download the Private Property app

Scan the QR code below with your phone to download the app.
Scan this code to download the app from iTunes
Scan this code to download the app from the Play store